A quick glance through top hiring markets in the upcoming years would definitely expose you to the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VAR). These industries are in their nascent stage and with the scope of possibilities these technologies provide, they are sure to grow wider than our imaginations.
A lot of youngsters and even experienced professionals looking to expand their skill set are now considering the VAR field. Coupled with artificial intelligence and human behaviour, the Virtual and Augmented reality create illusions of anything one could imagine.
The boom in job opportunities in the VAR field however is no illusion. For the ones who are considering what career options they could opt for after completing a course in Virtual and Augmented reality, here are our top picks:
1. VR Game Engineer
Skilled at designing, projecting, and viewing complex creative visuals in 3D, VR Game Engineers are experts in modelling tools. They create interactive content such as games, apps, videos, among many other things. They also test out prototypes of models in 3D before releasing the final product in the market.

2. Mixed Reality Artist
A mixed reality artist creates and designs technology that makes the interface between humans and computers far more interactive. They are responsible for nearly all aspects of 3D design and virtual reality. They are experts in optimising hardware and software usage to create the actual VAR experience.
3. Content Lead (Oculus)
Often termed as the holy grail of Virtual Reality, Oculus Rift is Facebook’s brainchild. Being a content expert with Oculus means you develop a premium and television portfolio for all entertainment media. Lucrative, isn’t it?
4. Rigger
A rigger creates a replica of a real-life environment by creating the right setups for spontaneous virtual and augmented reality games and movies. They automate animation tasks, set up replicating rigs, capture and replicate facial and body motions in graphics, and improve the overall efficiency of a VR app or content.

5. VR Sound Effects Specialist
As the name suggests, these professionals create original audio appropriate for particular Virtual Reality apps and games. They are experts at imitating a real-time surrounding and adding on to the visual feel of the interface. It is a highly coveted job which requires an in-depth field knowledge and creativity.
6. Unity Developers
Unity is an amazing development engine which supports multi-platform deployment and development of both 2-D and 3-D games, videos and interactive content. Unity developers create foundation for VAR content and are often skilled in customizing core game engine system and 3D graphics, SDX, DirectX and OpenGL.
Which job profile would you prefer? Let us know in the comments section!