Become job-ready in a few months!

The right career training is not only about the right course, but also about the right amount of time spent on developing your skills & learning new techniques. The amount of time you spend on a course is directly related to your career goals.

If you wish to polish an existing skill or learn new software, a few months, or even a few weeks may be enough. But if you want to learn the details of a process, then it is advisable to dedicate a considerable amount of time. You may also look for shorter versions of existing courses so that you can learn at your own pace, and as per your own interest.


Generally, course duration can be divided into two categories:

  • Long term courses

As the name suggests, these courses are designed to teach your chosen subject in detail. For example, if you choose an animation course, you will learn all aspects of 3D animation filmmaking, staring from storyboarding & script writing in pre-production to editing in post production. These courses may also include a number of smaller modules that will train you for specific subjects/ topics. Choose a long term course if you wish to learn & excel in every aspect of your chosen subject.

A regular long term course at MAAC can range from 16 to 36 months.

  • Short term courses

Also know as short duration courses, these are suitable for quick skill development. These courses offer fast & intensive training in one particular skill or software. These are ideal if you don’t have a lot of time to spend or want to pursue the training along with your regular college or job. You can choose to learn related short term courses, one after the other, and improve your chances for better job opportunities.

A regular short term course at MAAC can be completed in 2 to 6 months.

Choose a course as per your time & career goals. Check out the courses  & kick start the journey to fulfill your dream.

Happy learning!



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