Animation is bringing inanimate objects and images to life for the purpose of providing wholesome entertainment. The global animation and VFX industry is estimated to reach 55.9 billion by 2015*. …
10 things to remember when joining the animation/VFX industry
Committing your career to any industry is probably one of the biggest decisions that you will make in your life. In this post, we bring you 10 important things to …
10 common misconceptions about visual effects
We are already in the tenth month of the calendar year. So we thought it would be fun to list top 10 for various things that would help you know …
Top 10 special effects in Hollywood
Ever wondered what production teams did before the advent of computer generated imagery? Even today, a lot of sequences that we assume to be the work of computer animators are …
Realism in VFX
One of the most common things that is said by an audience who has just witnessed spectacular special effects is, “that looked so real!” In fact, a VFX artist is …
The Lego Movie: VFX Breakdown
Two years in the making, with most of its production done in Australia, The Lego Movie has already grossed over $400 million worldwide. A well-formed script demanded strong VFX effects …